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Thankful for Mashed Potatoes!


We invited everyone from both sides of our family to our home for Thanksgiving and 32 people showed up – less than ½ of the total that could have come but we were thrilled to see those who came!

We saw great-nieces and nephews that we’ve not seen since they were toddlers who are now in high school and college. We reconnected with a great-nephew who is now in his late 20's and learned he lives a few short miles from us. Ages ranged from a young children running around the house to my brother and his wife who are a few years older than me to my mother-in-law who is in her 80’s. We also had a niece who is pregnant with her first child expected to arrive in January. We had the age range covered and we had a great time!

Before we ate, I asked everyone to introduce themselves and say how they were related to me or Angie because some of the people had never met. Then I asked them to say what they were thankful for and we ended with a prayer. Some of my favorite thankful responses are:

  • Just glad to have somewhere to go with my children on Thanksgiving this year

  • I'm thankful for mashed potatoes!

  • Thankful that I didn’t have to cook this year

  • Being with family

Meals and celebrations like this are more than family gatherings – these meals are breaking bread, togetherness, and connected-ness. These meals are communion where we remind ourselves who we are, where we came from, and where we’re going.

Jesus understood that as he had meals with his disciples, tax collectors, Pharisees, his mother and siblings, Mary & Martha, and then when he gathered his 12 friends together for their final meal before he would be arrested. Jesus had the last supper in an upper room with his disciples, on the night that he was betrayed, and shared his food and his life with those he was closest. Even through he knew what was coming, Jesus was thankful to be in community, in communion, with those he considered family.

When we have family celebrations around holidays, birthdays, graduations, or "just because" we should always give thanks for the communion we share with friends and family. Happy Thanksgiving!

(Post from Pastor Steve, Missouri City Christian Church, image from stevendrobertsphotos©)

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